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12. Future Enhancements

  • Planned Features:
  • Roadmap:

  • Security Enhancements: The report doesn't explicitly mention security features. Implementing robust user authentication, authorization, and data encryption is crucial for protecting sensitive patient health information.

  • Granular User Roles and Permissions: Define user roles and permissions to control access to specific functionalities based on user profiles (e.g., healthcare worker, data analyst). This ensures data security and adherence to data governance principles.
  • Audit Trail Implementation: Implement audit trails to track user activity and data changes for accountability purposes and troubleshooting potential data integrity issues.
  • Integration with DataRun: The system is designed to accommodate workflow management functionalities. This might involve: Workflow Builder:* A user interface where program administrators can define and configure workflows for different activities. Task Management: track assigned tasks, their status (pending, completed, overdue), and responsible personnel. Data Pre-population: pre-populate forms with relevant data based on the workflow context (e.g., beneficiary information during ITN distribution). *Reporting: Generate reports to track workflow progress, identify bottlenecks, and measure overall efficiency.